Assumption is the Enemy of Safety: Questioning the Norms

assumptions clarity complacency leadership safety Mar 04, 2024
A striking emblem against an orange background with the words 'CHALLENGE ASSUMPTIONS ENHANCE SAFETY' circling a central image of a lineman silhouetted against a distressed American flag, with lightning bolt icons on either side, representing the call to actively question safety norms in the lineman profession.

There's a common saying that to assume makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me." Nowhere is this truer than in workplace safety, where assumptions—seemingly benign beliefs about how things are or ought to be—can lead to catastrophic outcomes. This post explores the dangerous territory of taking things for granted in safety protocols and the power of questioning norms to protect ourselves and our teams.

Assumptions in the workplace often stem from routine and familiarity. "It's always been done this way," we say, using past success to justify current practices. However, the world changes, technologies evolve, and what was safe yesterday may not be safe today. The assumption that existing methods are still adequate can close our eyes to emerging risks and safety innovations.

Cultivating a culture where questioning is encouraged rather than frowned upon can be transformative. Here are strategies to empower workers to think proactively about safety:

  • Encourage Curiosity: Foster an environment where it's not just safe but expected for team members to ask questions about safety practices.
  • Safety Walkthroughs: Conduct regular walkthroughs where workers are asked to identify potential hazards or question existing safety measures.
  • Debrief Sessions: After completing tasks, hold debrief sessions to discuss what went well and what could be improved, focusing on the assumptions that were made and their validity.
  • Continuous Learning: Promote ongoing education and training highlighting the importance of questioning and updating safety protocols.

Reflecting on my brush with mortality in the field, I recognize that my assumptions about the safety of a routine task nearly cost me everything. I assumed my familiarity with the task was enough to keep me safe, ignoring the subtle environmental changes that introduced new risks. It was a hard-learned lesson that assumptions are the enemy of safety.

I urge you, my readers, to challenge one assumption you've made about your work this week. Whether it's the belief that a shortcut is safe because you've never had an issue or the trust in equipment without regular checks because it has yet to fail, question it. Replace that assumption with a verified fact or a safety check, and see how this small change can impact your safety culture.

Assumptions are a significant barrier to safety, creating blind spots in our awareness and understanding. By actively questioning the norms and challenging our assumptions, we can uncover hidden risks and strengthen our safety practices. Let's commit to making questioning a standard part of our safety protocols, ensuring that everyone involved's work environments remain as safe as possible.